Compensation claims may be justified when a failure to carry out a routine examination of a new mother after childbirth leads to a lifetime of distress and bowel incontinence. Perineal trauma … [Read more...]
OASIs Compensation Claims
We have supported numerous claims by new mothers for failure to diagnose or repair their severe perineal injury after the birth of their child. If you have suffered an obstetric anal sphincter injury … [Read more...]
What is a Rectal Buttonhole Tear?
A rectal buttonhole tear is an unusual and uncommon injury which can occur during vaginal childbirth. Without prompt attention it can leave a woman with permanent bowel problems. Perineal and anal … [Read more...]
Why Do I Have a Stoma After Childbirth?
If you have been left with a stoma after the birth of your baby, it may suggest that you had a traumatic birth or that your perineal injury has been poorly treated. The anticipation of giving birth … [Read more...]
What Are the Different Types of Childbirth Tear?
Perineal damage during childbirth can cause both superficial and severe damage and it is crucial that a correct diagnosis is made in order to prevent appalling long-term damage. Perineal … [Read more...]
Perineal Trauma Compensation
Perineal trauma – or injury to the perineum during labour – occurs to the majority of women giving birth vaginally. However, if severe damage passes undiagnosed, it may be appropriate to make a claim … [Read more...]
Incontinent After Giving Birth
Around 5% of women giving birth for the first time are thought to suffer a severe perineal tear due to the birth. However, these are not always diagnosed and can lead to appalling long-term symptoms … [Read more...]
Compensation for Missed Anal Sphincter Injury
An anal sphincter injury can cause catastrophic long-term dysfunction. If you are suffering with the appalling symptoms of this childbirth injury due to a misdiagnosis, you may be entitled to make a … [Read more...]
Instrumental Delivery Causing Third Degree Tear
Can a forceps or ventouse delivery cause a third degree tear? Perineal trauma Severe perineal trauma – third and fourth degree tears – is thought to occur in around 5% of vaginal births. Some argue … [Read more...]
Midwives and Severe Obstetric Injury
Will new government plans for extra midwives improve rates of severe perineal trauma during childbirth? Midwife shortage The Royal College of midwives has estimated the current shortage of midwives … [Read more...]
Misclassification of Anal Sphincter Injuries
The classification of a severe perineal tear as a more superficial tear can reduce a woman’s chance of making a good recovery from this unpleasant childbirth injury. It may also be the justification … [Read more...]
Substandard Perineal Care in Childbirth
Perineal trauma sustained during childbirth can blight a woman’s life if it is not diagnosed and repaired promptly. Careful perineal car during the birth may help to prevent this distressing … [Read more...]
Bowel Problems after Childbirth
If you have recently given birth vaginally and are experiencing problems with your bowel, you might have an undiagnosed severe birth tear. What sorts of bowel problems might occur? Some degree of … [Read more...]
What is a Competent Repair of a 4th Degree Tear?
An incompetent repair of a severe obstetric anal sphincter injury can lead to long-term discomfort and distressing symptoms. What is a 4th degree tear? A 4th degree tear is the most severe form of … [Read more...]
Third Degree Tear Ignored
If your third degree tear was not diagnosed after the birth of your child, you may be suffering shocking bowel and sexual problems. Diagnosing a third degree tear When a woman gives birth via the … [Read more...]