If you have suffered as a result of medical negligence while giving birth, you could be entitled to pursue a claim against the NHS Trust responsible. For more information, you need to speak to a lawyer who specialises in this area of the law.
Medical negligence claims
It will be possible to make a claim if you have sustained injuries due to a substandard level of medical care.
For example, if you suffered a third degree tear during childbirth but this was not diagnosed and repaired shortly afterwards, it is very likely that you will have gone on to experience problems such as faecal urgency and incontinence. A failure to diagnose and repair a third degree tear will amount to a substandard level of medical care. Because this has caused you complications, you will be considered the victim of medical negligence.
Any victim of medical negligence is legally entitled to pursue a claim for compensation against the party at fault. This compensation is intended as a form of justice, and is intended to put you in the financial position you would be in, had it not been for the negligence.
Medical negligence solicitors
Medical negligence (or clinical negligence) is a complex area of the law and it is essential that claims are run by medical negligence specialists.
If possible, you should find a lawyer with extensive experience in the area of medicine to which your claim relates. So if you are pursuing a birth injury claim, you should find a solicitor who has successfully obtained birth injury compensation on behalf of clients in the past. This will ensure your solicitor has the necessary knowledge and expertise, giving your claim the best chance of success.
Speak to a solicitor today
If you think you could be entitled to pursue a birth injury claim, you should contact a specialist solicitor as soon as possible. Claims must be made within three years of the event, so it is important not to delay when seeking expert legal advice.
When you contact a solicitor, you will be asked about the details of the care you received and the injuries you have sustained. Once the information has been gathered, a solicitor will be able to suggest what options are open to you. If there is a case that needs to be answered, your solicitor can pursue a claim on your behalf, working to obtain the compensation you deserve.
To speak to a solicitor about a birth injury claim – such as a missed third or fourth degree tear – please get in touch with us today.
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